About students : Our students are aged 13-15. Most of the students are of Greek nationality but there is a 15% of students from other countries as well.This percentage is gradually being increased due to immigration reasons. There are 15 classrooms, a Chemistry Lab, two classrooms of Computer Studies, a library, two headmaster's offices, a teachers' room, a technology lab, a school canteen and an indoors basketball court.
Names of teachers involved in the project :Georgia Micha, Stella Dede, Evi Kostopoulou, Giannis Tzortzakis
About school : The first Junior High School of Markopoulo is a public school offering general education at a secondary level.
Since its first students graduated in 1947, it is the oldest school in Markopoulo, a small town in East Attiki.
It consists of 360-370 students and 25-30 teachers annually.
During the last decade our school has carried out a lot of programmes and projects on various issues such as bullying and cyberbullying, non violent communication, volunteerism, social offer and activated citizenship, diversity and human rights, empathy, Internet safety, climate change and other environmental issues, theatre in education etc.
Our school has already participated in two Erasmus+ KA2 programmes("Accepting ourselves and accepting the others" and " Climate Change: Schools in Action"), several etwinning programmes and four environmental programmes. All the teachers involved in this Erasmus project have participated in an educational programme for the development of Activated Citizenship " Care and Act" supported from the non profitable institute "Bond" and Lambrakis Foundation.
They have also joined the Schools' Network" of the "What if I were you?" project regarding human rights, immigrants and refugees via the utilization of "by experience" activities and theatre techniques carried out by the Greek Network on Theatre Education and in cooperation with the UN Refugee Agency.
Those are some of the activities our school has carried out throughout the years.
" With regard to digital citizenship, which are our digital rights and responsibilities? How our online activities affect ourselves and other people? What is digital health? What is digital mental health? These are some of the issues we are going to deal with throughout the project.